Cash Trax is an AML transaction monitoring, detection and reporting software tool using an AI based machine-learning process that analyses suspicious gaming activity and irregular player behaviours that deviate from an accepted baseline, and reports against a venue threshold measurement.

In simple terms, you set up an initial benchmark for player spending behaviours in your club, combined with OLGR thresholds, and the system learns and develops to the point where it can differentiate between ‘normal’ and ‘irregular’ behaviours. That means no more pages and pages of false reports are flagged that take up time and resources to investigate.

CashTrax then collates and compiles all irregular transactional data and reports, which enables easy access for further investigation and reporting if required. And, you know that they are all true suspicious activities, not false positives.

Cash Trax can also operate as either a standalone system or be integrated into your existing paging system.

Trials are currently underway at several clubs across Sydney including Canterbury Leagues Club Group, Club Rivers, and Chatswood RSL.

With a patent pending on the new software technology, we can’t tell you too much about how it works so you will have to go for a demonstration.

Talk to the Secom team on Stand 791 to see the CashTrax system operating live.

Look out for the new Secom Technology Group branding


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